by Rod Cleveland | May 29, 2015 | Cleveland County, Deaster Events, Disasters, Legislation, Transportation
HB2242 May 20th, 2015 House Floor Debate on the Budget for FY’16. Representative Inman’s question about taking County Transportation Funds Representative Proctor talking about the recent weather events and flooding damaging to the County Roads....
by Rod Cleveland | May 22, 2015 | Cleveland County, Deaster Events, Disasters, Oklahoma, Transportation
Please watch the Memorial Day weekend weather outlook for central Oklahoma and Cleveland County. There is a low potential chance of tornadoes but high potential for flooding. Cleveland County is expecting 4″ of rain over the next 4 days. During A Flood Watch:...
by Rod Cleveland | May 11, 2015 | Cleveland County, Oklahoma, Transportation
House Bill 1176 was passed in the summer of 2006, a new section of law was codified in the Oklahoma Statutes as Section 507 of Title 69. This law created the County Improvements for Roads and Bridges (CIRB) program. The apportionment (source of funding) for the...
by Rod Cleveland | May 4, 2015 | Cleveland County, Legislation, Oklahoma, Transportation
Background In the 2006 Special Session, HB1176 was introduced and passed. The signature by Governor Henry codified into the Oklahoma Statutes Section 507 of Title 69. The law created the County Improvements for Roads and Bridges (CIRB) program and reads as follows:...
by Rod Cleveland | Jan 12, 2015 | Oklahoma, Transportation
The Cleveland County Board of County Commissioners approved a resolution asking the Federal Government remove the American Burying Beetle from the endangered species list. WHEREAS, it is the civic duty of county government to provide its citizens with...
by Rod Cleveland | Dec 12, 2014 | Cleveland County, Deaster Events, Transportation – No One Gets You Closer December 9 started off looking like winter when Cleveland County Road Crew members gathered at the District Barn. Fog was thick with a hazy overcast and the chill of winter was flirting with a sharp sting to the face. Myself...