Please watch the Memorial Day weekend weather outlook for central Oklahoma and Cleveland County. There is a low potential chance of tornadoes but high potential for flooding. Cleveland County is expecting 4″ of rain over the next 4 days.
During A Flood Watch:
- Listen to a battery-operated radio for the latest storm information.
- Fill bathtubs, sinks, and jugs with clean water in case water becomes contaminated.
- Bring outdoor belongings, such as patio furniture, indoors.
- Move valuable household possessions to the upper floors or to safe ground if time permits.
- If you are instructed to do so by local authorities, turn off all utilities at the main switch and close the main gas valve.
- Be prepared to evacuate.
If indoors:
- Turn on battery-operated radio or television to get the latest emergency information.
- Get your preassembled emergency supplies.
- If told to leave, do so immediately.
If outdoors:
- Climb to high ground and stay there.
- Avoid walking through any floodwaters. If it is moving swiftly, even water 6 inches deep can sweep you off your feet.:
- If you come to a flooded area, turn around and go another way.
- Never drive through water flowing over a bridge or road.
- If the car becomes trapped, get out and move to higher ground.
- If your car stalls, abandon it immediately and climb to higher ground. Many deaths have resulted from attempts to move stalled vehicles.
During an Evacuation:
- If advised to evacuate, do so immediately.
- Evacuation is much simpler and safer before flood waters become too deep for ordinary vehicles to drive through.
- Listen to a battery-operated radio for evacuation instructions.
- Follow recommended evacuation routes–shortcuts may be blocked.
- Leave early enough to avoid being marooned by flooded roads.