Rod Cleveland
For Commissioner
As County Commissioner, I have worked for a full spectrum of common-sense conservative ideas—prudent fiscal policies, promoting a strong and stable economy, striving for better roads and infrastructure, supporting public safety, pushing back against ever-encroaching regulations, and remaining accountable to taxpayers. The best government is a government that is limited and operates within statutory boundaries. I fully support “America First” policies to advance and enhance Oklahoma’s energy, farming, and manufacturing businesses.
Transportation Issues
Economic Issues
Social / Family Issues
Education Issues

About Rod Cleveland
I have been Cleveland County Commissioner serving and working to enhance our community, improve our roads, support public safety, and bring efficiencies and transparency to county government since 2007.
As your county commissioner, I have a great partnership with Oklahoma City, Moore, and Norman to assist in providing valuable transportation infrastructure support for the county highway system that is within Oklahoma City and Norman. Over the last few years, Highway District 1 has leveraged over $7 million from Oklahoma City to improve the roads in northeast Cleveland County. The District 1 crews put in countless hours to sand, salt, and remove snow so Cleveland County roads are safely passable.
As Cleveland County Commissioner, I share your conservative Oklahoma values, and I take and promote those same values on regional, state, and national administrative and policy boards that I have been appointed to. I serve as Chairman of the Central Oklahoma Governments 9-1-1 Board, Homeland Security Regional Advisory Council, DEQ Solid Waste Advisory Board, Central Oklahoma Workforce Innovation Board, National Association of Counties Workforce Economic and Community Development Policy Board, Rural Action Caucus, and the International Economic Development Task Force to promote US products to the world.
I am married to my college sweetheart Christine and we have four grown children and two grandchildren. Traditional family values are being attacked. Together we must fight to uphold Oklahoma values.

News & Updates
Cleveland County Regional Juvenile Detention Center Re-Grand Opening
Cleveland County celebrates juvenile center upgrades Cleveland County celebrated the completion of Phase I of a multi-million-dollar upgrade of the Alan J. Couch Juvenile Detention Center with a ribbon cutting on Wednesday, May 31. Phase I provides 12,500 square feet...
Strengthening Communities: County Government’s Vital Use of Transportation Equipment for Disaster Cleanup, Snow Removal, and Road Building
Introduction: In the face of natural disasters and challenging weather conditions, a county government's ability to swiftly respond and provide essential services is crucial for the safety and well-being of its residents. This narrative explores the various ways...
Cleveland County Partners with The Virtue Center to Expand Clinical and Behavioral Health Services
On Tuesday, Cleveland County announced its partnership with The Virtue Center. In an effort to eradicate the devastating effects of addiction in our community, the county is investing American Rescue Plan monies that will support building operations and programmatic...